Home Inspections
Our home inspection includes a complete structural (roof, foundation and everything in-between), mechanical (heating, electrical, plumbing and built-in appliances) and wood destroying insect inspection.
Water Testing
A water quality test is conducted to determine the mineral and chemical composition of the water supply. This test also determines whether or not bacteria (both coliform and fecal coliform) is present.
Radon Testing
We use state of the art electronic monitors that collect air samples every hour for the 48 hour testing period. This gives you 48 readings that show how the levels will fluctuate over the testing period. These readings are then averaged to give you your test result.
Home sellers quite frequently ask, “What will a home inspector be looking for in my home and how can I be more organized for the home buyer’s inspection?” Informed sellers can make the home inspection process easier and faster, ensuring a more thorough and accurate inspection. Here is a list that may be helpful for you in preparing your house for a home buyer’s inspection. Many of these items can be done at little or no cost and are part of a regular maintenance program for any home.

House Interior
• Clean or replace heating and cooling filters, clean dirty air returns and plenum.
• Test all smoke detectors to ensure that they are working.
• Have the chimney, fireplace or wood stove serviced and provide the buyer with a copy of the
cleaning record.
• Replace any burned out light bulbs.
• Have clear access to attic, crawl space, heating system, garage and other areas that will need to be inspected.
• If the house is vacant, make sure all utilities are turned on. This includes water, electricity, furnace, A/C
gas, and the water heater because they will need to be inspected.
• Ensure ready access to all rooms and crawl spaces. Clear all furniture, boxes, clothes, toys and other
personal items that may block access to the furnace, water heater and electrical panel.
House Exterior
• Remove soil or mulch from contact with siding. Six or more inches of clearance is best.
• Clean out dirty gutters and any debris from the roof.
• Check to make sure all water from downspouts, sump pump,
condensation and basement entry drains is diverted away from
the house.
• Trim trees, roots and bushes back from the foundation, roof, siding
and chimney.
• Paint weathered exterior wood and caulk around the trim, chimney,
windows and doors.
• Repair any failing mortar in brick or block.
• Remove wood and/or firewood from any contact with the house.
• Caulk all exterior wall penetrations.

Doors and Windows
• Ensure that all doors and windows are in proper operating condition, including repairing or replacing any cracked windowpanes.
Basement, Crawl Spaces and Attics
• Check to ensure that the crawl space is dry and install a proper vapor barrier if necessary.
• Remove paints, solvents, gas, wood and similar materials from crawl space, basement, attic and porch.
• Update attic ventilation if none is present.
• If windows are at or below grade, install window wells and covers.